Hi there! I’m Steven Ngo, a first-year software engineering Ph.D. student at University of California, Irvine (UCI)’s Informatics Department with Dr. Joshua Garcia as my advisor. As of fall quarter ‘23, I am exploring projects in Dr. Garcia’s lab group, the SORA (Software Aurora) Lab, which includes Android analysis, autonomous driving testing & analysis, architectural programming-language modules, and open-source security.
I am most interested in software security, human elements of software engineering & security, and security education, and I have previous experience with software mutation testing, cyber-physical systems, and IoT security. I also try to participate in security capture-the-flag competitions when I can and am looking for a team to grow and compete with!
Here’s my CV.
Links to public documents (linked on applications): Research work from USC ISI, summer 2022. Research work from CPSLO, summer 2020. Capstone work for CPSLO SE, fall 2021 to spring 2022.