About Me
As of fall quarter ‘23, I am exploring projects in Dr. Garcia’s lab group, the SORA (Software Aurora) Lab, which includes Android analysis, autonomous driving testing & analysis, architectural programming-language modules, and open-source security.
I am most interested in software security, human elements of software engineering & security, and security education, and I have previous experience with software mutation testing, cyber-physical systems, and IoT security
- Ph.D. in Software Engineering, Informatics Department, University of California, Irvine (2023 - present)
- B.S. in Software Engineering, minor in Psychology from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (2019 - 2023)
- Currently working through all of https://dojo.pwn.college/ from ASU, 113 / 167 challenges in Intro to Cybersecurity, 99 / 358 challenges in Computer Systems Security
- I have a pet cat named Honey!